so I decided to share it with you because i believe its very important.
Have you ever felt it was high time you launched your business idea but do not have adequate information on registering a business in Nigeria? Or are you confused and do not know the most suitable structure to choose for your business? Have you search everywhere, yet cannot find a central resource to find answers to your pending incorporation-related issues?
It is worthy to note, however, that new policies regularly evolve at our nation's company registry - the Corporate Affairs Commission - so this write up is subject to regular update.
Enjoy reading!
Q1: What is a business name and why is it so important? A business name is the name which a business trades under for commercial purposes. There is more to business names than just identity. A good business name is an advertising tool. Many large companies even hire expensive consultants to help them name their businesses, products and services. Q2: I have this business name that I love so much, and I want to start a business under that name. Can I proceed immediately? No. I think the next thing after you must have done a feasibility study on the business itself is to get the business name registered at the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC). Q3: What do you mean by Corporate Affairs Commission? Registration of businesses in Nigeria is the exclusive responsibility of the Corporate Affairs Commission, also known as CAC; which has its head office in Abuja, and branches in most states of the federation. The CAC is the federal government agency responsible for registration of all companies. Q4: But I was told that the cost of registering/incorporating a company is expensive. Can’t I go on with the business then register the name later? |