Thursday 14 May 2020


Corona Virus - Global Best Practices, before and Henceforth


During the Corona Virus Pandemic; it became more lucid to me that we are not invincible.

Man, usually the chief Hunter is now the hunted, we were the king Predator but has just become the Prey.

The whole of human race is now susceptible to sudden, quicker and total annihilation should it be permitted by the Divine, I hope not.

Man was once the champion of change, changing ourselves, our neighbors, our pets, the animal world, the ocean world and the whole of cosmos, even the viruses, germs, bacteria, Filaria, Nematodes and such as are native of the microscopic world.

The invincible is never invincible to man, finally man has out done himself and the hen has come home to roost, we must face the consequences of our actions.

Virus is now our Crown adorning king.

Our way of life is his first casualty and our lives in jeopardy.

Wealth, fame and power is no longer a guarantee of immunity, good healthy living, balance diets, and access to good medical care is on longer a prerequisite for an elongated lifespan.

Money may not buy you any prevention against the Crown King Virus or his yet to be known siblings.

See her signatures all around and in our ways of life. All hall the King.

New Globalization
The phrase “the word is a global village“ Is now making more practical sense than ever before, such that  an event at one end of the world should immediately send fair down the spines of the inhabitants of the globe at the other end.

New Global cultures and best practices
The globally embraced courtesy culture of hand sharking and or hugging is now become a barbaric and outdated culture to be ashamed of and a dangerous one at that.

On the other hand,  habits such as staying some distance away while being spoken to or covering your nose and or mouth during convention, previously considered to be signs of pride and disrespect to others or abusive signs indicating an action preventing emissions or inhaling mouth odor has now assumed a new meaning of utmost safety and care. It is now a well acceptable behavior, a wise thing to do, doing otherwise is barbaric, disregards for human life and very dangerous too.

Covering you mouth while coughing or sneezing a previously adjudged health and hygiene best practices is now suddenly an obsolete practice. The in-thing now, is now coughing into the v-shaped curve of your arm which would have previously been frowned at by all.

Washing of hand and sanitizing is now a global culture even in the most remote, poor and local settings of the earth. Not imbibing this culture might be and invitation to the bringers of death, no living wishes for death.

Ladies lipstick makeup, previously an important aspect of daily dressing and a must for most ladies before stepping out and makeup kit, a major lady’s baggage is now become a waste of time efforts and money. Lack of lipstick makeup on your previously seen as a sign less sociability even poverty is now a sign of prudence and wisdom. Which of you would yet want to waste time, efforts and money on a lipstick only to have it covered by nose mask? and subsequently be clean off by the nose mask?

Ladies long and conspicuous eyelashes might become the hanger for a deadly Virus. Doing away with them by our ladies is gradually becoming a possibly.

Men of post Covid 19 pandemic may have to start thinking of returning to the Egyptian Civilization era to cultivate the habit of clean shave of hair and Beard. Now we know that killer virus can perch and patiently wait for days while being transported about in the hairs of our body, waiting for an opportunity launch a deadly attach.

From now and onward no dressing is complete without nose mask

It will soon not be out of place if head gear / tie and even hand glove are added to dressing codes of both men and women.

It used to be a globally accepted norm to intermittently touch the tip of you tongue for moisture while flipping through the pages a book, Magazine, Journal, Daily News Paper, etc. But today, it is suicidal, who knows what one could contact by so doing.

New Legislation
Coughing in public and or in open air may soon become illegal and a punishable offence

Lack of nose mask, sanitizer, social distancing may soon be and illegal act, punishable under our laws.

Certificate of clean bill of health, issued biweekly might soon be legalized. Lack of one and having one of more than 14 days may soon be a cogent reason to deny you access into public places, use public services or enter a public bus.

New Gama
Some never heard of vocabularies have suddenly emerged and became prominent. Social distancing, Covid19 are just a few.

New Business, Business Ethics and Best Practices
Commercial Barbing Salon may soon be out of Vogue,
Online and virtual corporate offices is now a wise investment,
The multi million Dollar Airline business are in jeopardy. Seating in and enjoying the cozy comfort of a well compacted Airplane and in same oxygen space of others might be a risky deal hence forth. Even the glory days of present Airplane technology might be over. Fitting airplanes with ventilators, central Sanitation and regular sterilization of Airplanes is the way to go. Airplanes may now be  fitted with individual oxygenated air cocoons to prevent cross ventilation.

The currently globally recognized fashion house and expert will soon agree that no suit and fashionable dress is incomplete without, it’s branded copy of nose mask, head tie and even hand glove.

E-learning, virtual school has come to stay. Educational institutions and learning centers must of a necessity set up their classes in the virtual world for optimum social distancing and to reduce the risk of fueling future possible epidemic and or pandemic. And any such institution who chooses not to go virtual may soon be out of business due to lack of patronage or strong hammer of the law.

Virtual currency is the rave of the moment. Nations of the world are better be bracing up for virtual currency. Passing physical cash or near money assets or cheques from hand to hand and or processing such is proofing to be very dangerous.

News Paper Companies must now invest more on their online news dissemination platform and start to draw down on physical paper news distribution because the numbers of lover of physical news will keep reducing by each passing day.

Worship center must start to go virtual as physical congregation may soon be outlawed. Even members may become less interested in a physical worship services meeting.

Catering and bakery business in peril of extinction. We may have to be doing our baking at home to guarantee its virus neutrality.

Eatery center also. Thank God most of us can cook or have someone who can cook at home. But for food vendors, it is time to come up with new strategies or look towards another business.

Corp bearers and funeral service providers are clearly out of business.

Transportation and commuters are in for a showdown. It is either to increase fare and reduce passengers. We may have to return to bikes, cycling, trekking, horse backs or what not.

Alcohol consumption may soon assume a new and safer role. That section of the Bible which says  “Drink no longer water, but use a little wine for thy stomach's sake and thine often infirmities.” 1 Timothy 5:23 (KJV) is proof to be and end time prophecy after all. Holy men and women of God who prior to now kick against alcohol consumption may have to rethink their theology. But alcoholism may also soon become a global pandemic giving the addictive tendencies of liquor.

And the drinking of hot water as a replacement of cold water may proof to be a wise and healthy habit after all. Even during a very hot day in a continent like Africa and even during a hot sun, the practice of taking hot coffee, tea or water may no longer be looked at as odd, in fact doing so will soon be earning you the respect of others. You are a health-conscious person.

Another casualty is football business, to yet remain relevant the practitioners must quickly come up will viable options. But for now, everyone must hang their boots.

Other sports also, or we will soon bid some of those prominent money-spinning sports byes.

……Just thinking aloud.

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