The first picture ever uploaded on the web was posted by Tim Burners Lee
(inventor of the World Wide Web) on behalf of a comedy band called Les
Horrible Cernettes.
Every day millions of photos are uploaded to the Internet on countless
blogs, Facebook, Flickr, Twitter, etc. But have you ever wondered what
the very first image upload looked like? Well look no further, because
the tech site Motherboard has done the digging for you.
In 1992, a
picture of the parody band Les Horribles Cernettes, that was digitally
altered in Photoshop, earned the distinction of becoming the first Web
photo upload.So who are these ladies pictured in the image? The group of
ladies were lab employees who worked for CERN, a research laboratory in
Geneva where major discoveries have been made, including the project
that started the World Wide Web, created by British computer scientist
Tim Berners-Lee.