As Africans we are blessed by our creator who generously endowed us with
many gifts. Our continent boasts a wide range of environmental variety:
ranging from the icy peaks of Mount Kilimanjaro in East Africa to the
thick jungles of Central Africa, and the dry plains to the south. Our
homeland is flowing with natural and mineral wealth: as evident in the
diamond mines of South Africa, the gold pits of West Africa, the oil
fields of North Africa, and the majestic Nile which meanders its way
down through East Africa.
Our peoples have grown strong and
accustomed to the rugged lifestyle which our environment demands.
Thousands of years of struggling have led us to perfect our societies
and cultures, enabling us to survive on the land and use it best for our
needs. In associating and interacting with ourselves we have formed
powerful unions and relationships with one another, advanced cultures
and societies, and powerful kingdoms and empires.