Showing posts with label toyinsrunway. Show all posts
Showing posts with label toyinsrunway. Show all posts

Saturday 17 October 2020



End SARS end it now and stay action on special police force

No to Police and Army Brutality

No to inefficient Power supply and estimated billings

No to unitary government

Yes to Good Governance

Yes to total Restructuring of Nigeria

Yes to return to proper federal system

Yes to state policing

End SARS end it now and stay action on special police force

Sunday 14 September 2014

Wages of Impunity, by Wole Soyinka

Wages of Impunity, by Wole Soyinka
The dancing obscenity of Shekau and his gang of psychopaths and child abductors, taunting the world, mocking the BRING BACK OUR GIRLS campaign on internet, finally met its match in Nigeria to inaugurate the week of September 11 – most appropriately. Shekau’s danse macabre was surpassed by the unfurling of a political campaign banner that defiled an entry point into Nigeria’s capital of Abuja. That banner read: BRING BACK JONATHAN 2015.

President Jonathan has since disowned all knowledge or complicity in the outrage but, the damage has been done, the rot in a nation’s collective soul bared to the world. The very possibility of such a desecration took the Nigerian nation several notches down in human regard. It confirmed the very worst of what external observers have concluded and despaired of – a culture of civic callousness, a coarsening of sensibilities and, a general human disregard.

Monday 10 February 2014


Every one need love, in fact no LOVE no life, love is the life blood of society, no doubt.

Man (Male or Female) is an object of love, life becomes more meaningful, more purposeful and more interesting once we start to expend love and enjoy it as being expended on us by others. In an Ancient Book, the Great Master’s reply to a lawyer’s inquest was that the summary of all laws and ordinances is LOVE; love for the most High God and love for fellow mankind (our neighbor).
